How to Use 9 Lemons in a Bowl? Lemon Spiritual Meaning

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Using 9 lemons in a bowl is a popular technique in Feng Shui for purifying and refreshing the energy in a space. 9 is regarded as an influential number in Feng Shui, representing completeness and abundance.

The lemons in the bowl are believed to absorb and neutralize negative energy while promoting positive energy and abundance. The fresh citrus scent of the lemons is also believed to freshen and purify the air in the room.

It is also important to note that the lemon is a symbol of clarity, purification, and good luck. In feng shui, Lemons are often used in wealth corners to attract money, abundance, and good luck.

In this article, you will learn the significance of 9 lemons in a bowl and how you can use it.

9 Lemons In Bowl Significance In Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, the significance of using 9 lemons in a bowl is rooted in the belief that 9 represents completeness and abundance. By using 9 lemons in a bowl, it is believed that the energy in space will be purified and refreshed, promoting positive energy and abundance. The lemons are also believed to absorb and neutralize negative energy, which can help to create a harmonious and balanced environment.

The use of lemons in Feng Shui is also believed to promote good luck and wealth. Lemons are often used in wealth corners or areas of the home that are associated with financial success. The fresh citrus scent of the lemons is also believed to freshen and purify the air in the room, which can help to promote a sense of well-being and clarity.

It’s also worth noting that lemons symbolize clarity, purification, and good luck in feng shui. The round shape of the lemons represents completeness, and the yellow color is associated with wealth, happiness, and good luck. Therefore, placing the lemons in a central location in the room, such as on a coffee table or in the kitchen, can help create a focal point that promotes positive energy and abundance.

What Does Cleansing Mean In Feng Shui?

Cleansing in Feng Shui refers to the process of purifying and refreshing the energy in a space. You can do it in several ways, like smudging with sage, using essential oils, or simply decluttering and reorganizing the space. The goal of cleansing is to remove any negative or stagnant energy that may be present and to create a harmonious and balanced environment.

One popular method of cleansing in Feng Shui is sage smudging. This involves burning dried sage and wafting the smoke throughout the space to purify the energy. The smoke is believed to carry away any negative energy and provide a fresh start for the space.

Another method is the use of essential oils, such as lavender or lemon. These oils are believed to have purifying and uplifting properties and can be diffused or applied directly to surfaces.

Cleansing can also be done through physical actions, such as decluttering and reorganizing a space. This can involve removing items that are no longer needed or wanted and rearranging furniture and decor to create a more harmonious flow of energy.

What Do 9 Lemons In A Bowl Symbolize?

What Do 9 Lemons In A Bowl Symbolize?

9 lemons in a bowl are a powerful symbol in many cultures and traditions, with various meanings and interpretations. Some of the most common symbols associated with lemons include:

  • Purity: Lemons are often associated with cleanliness and purification due to their fresh and refreshing scent. They are often used in cleaning products and rituals to clear away negative energy and promote a sense of freshness and purity.
  • Health: Lemons are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients and have long been associated with good health. They are generally used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments and are believed to have healing properties.
  • Clarity: Lemons are associated with clarity and focus. Their fresh, citrus scent is believed to clear the mind and promote a sense of mental clarity and focus.
  • Wealth: Lemons are often associated with wealth and abundance due to their bright yellow color, which is associated with wealth, happiness, and good luck.
  • Love: Lemons are sometimes used in love spells and rituals, as they are believed to attract love and passion. Lemons are also associated with the heart chakra, which is associated with love and emotions.

Lemons symbolize good luck in some cultures, as they are believed to ward off evil and bring prosperity.

Top 7 Disinfectant Properties of Lemons

Disinfectant Properties of Lemons

In feng shui, 9 lemons in a bowl are often used for their purifying and disinfectant properties. Here are the top 7 disinfectant properties of lemons in feng shui:

  • Cleansing the air: Lemons contain citric acid, which is believed to have the ability to neutralize negative energy and purify the air.
  • Killing germs: The acid in lemons can act as a natural disinfectant, killing germs and bacteria on surfaces and in the air.
  • Freshening the smell: Lemons have a fresh, clean scent that helps to neutralize unpleasant odors in a space.
  • Enhancing positive energy: Lemons are believed to have the ability to attract positive energy and good luck, which can help to enhance the overall energy of a space.
  • Creating balance: Lemons are believed to create balance and harmony in a space, helping to neutralize negative energy and promote a sense of well-being.
  • Enhancing mental clarity: The fresh scent of lemons improves mental clarity and attention.
  • Promoting healing: Lemons are believed to have healing properties, and their fresh scent promotes well-being and relaxation.

It is worth noting that these are symbolic practices and might not have a scientific basis, and it is important to consider your own beliefs and personal preferences. Additionally, it’s important to note that lemons are acidic and can be corrosive, so it’s important to be careful when using them for cleaning purposes.

How Many Lemons Are In A Bowl For Good Luck

To activate your good luck 9 lemons in a bowl will be an auspicious and great choice. This technique provides abundance, luck, and positivity in one’s life.

How 9 Lemons Feng Shui Work

9 lemons in a bowl feng shui technique destroys negativity, removes obstacles from life, and activates good luck. This is a powerful technique in some cultures and traditions to purify and cleanse the aura of life.

Ways To Display 9 Lemons In Feng Shui

  • Place 9 lemons in a bowl on a table in the kitchen.
  • Arrange nine lemons in a pyramid shape on a plate or platter.
  • Hang a string of nine lemons in a bright window.
  • Place a single lemon on each of the nine plates and arrange them in a grid pattern.
  • Tuck a single lemon into each of the nine pockets in a hanging pocket organizer.
  • Fill a large glass vase with nine lemons and display it on a table.
  • Arrange nine lemons in a circle on a large plate or platter.
  • Place nine lemons in a basket or woven tray and display it on a shelf.
  • Use nine lemons as a centerpiece on a dining table, arranged in a pattern or scattered randomly.

Lemon And Salt For Good Luck

In feng shui, lemons and salt are often used together to bring good luck and positive energy to a space. Lemons are believed to symbolize wealth and abundance, while salt is thought to have purifying and protective properties. Together, they can help to clear negative energy and attract positive energy.

Here are a few ways to use lemons and salt for good luck:

  • Place a bowl of lemons and a bowl of salt in your home’s entryway to greet positive energy as it enters.
  • Place a small salt dish and lemon peel on your desk or work area to boost productivity and attract success.
  • Put a pinch of salt on a cut lemon and place it in the corner of a room to purify the energy and attract good luck.
  • Keep a lemon and a small container of salt in your purse or wallet to attract abundance and financial prosperity.
  • It is important to note that these are symbolic practices and might not have a scientific basis.

9 Oranges In A Bowl Feng Shui

In feng shui, oranges are believed to bring good luck and prosperity, as they are often associated with wealth and abundance. Displaying nine oranges in a bowl can be a way to enhance this positive energy in a space. Here are a few ways to use oranges in feng shui:

  • Place a bowl of nine oranges on a table or counter in the kitchen to enhance wealth and prosperity.
  • Arrange nine oranges in a pyramid shape on a plate or platter to attract abundance and good luck.
  • Display a bowl of nine oranges in the living room to bring a sense of warmth and cheer to the space.
  • Place a single orange on each of the nine plates and arrange them in a grid pattern to enhance positive energy flow throughout the room.
  • Put a bowl of nine oranges in your office or workspace to increase productivity and success.
  • Fill a large glass vase with nine oranges and display it on a table or shelf to attract abundance and wealth.
  • Arrange nine oranges in a circle on a large plate or platter to enhance positive energy flow.
  • Place nine oranges in a basket or woven tray and display them on a table or shelf to attract abundance and prosperity.
  • Use nine oranges as a centerpiece on a dining table, arranged in a pattern or scattered randomly to bring good luck during meals.
  • It is worth noting that these are symbolic practices and might not have a scientific basis, and it is important to consider your own beliefs and personal preferences.

Lemon And Salt Against Negative Energy

In feng shui, lemons and salt are often used together as a natural way to purify and protect a space from negative energy. Lemons are believed to have the ability to clear negative energy. At the same time, salt is thought to have grounding properties that can help to absorb and neutralize negative energy.

Here are a few ways to use lemons and salt against negative energy:

  • Place a bowl of salt in the corner of a room and squeeze a lemon over it. The salt will absorb the negative energy, while the lemon will purify the air.
  • Place a dish of salt and a lemon peel in areas of your home or office where negative energy is known to accumulate, such as the entrance, near the toilet, or in the bedroom.
  • Fill a small sachet or pouch with salt and add a few drops of lemon essential oil. Place it in drawers, closets, or under the bed to neutralize negative energy and freshen the air.
  • Sprinkle salt on doorsteps or windowsills and rub lemon juice on door knobs and window frames to purify the energy and keep negative energy out of the space.
  • It is important to note that these are symbolic practices and might not have a scientific basis. It’s also important to keep in mind that clearing negative energy is a continuous process, and you may want to repeat these actions periodically.

 Why Do You Put 9 Lemons in a Bowl?

9 lemons in a bowl represent clarity, abundance, purity, prosperity, and cleansing in life. You can put your  9 lemons in a bowl to your wealth corners to make the increase in your financial abundance.

What Do 7 Lemons In A Bowl Mean?

In feng shui, lemons are often used to symbolize wealth, abundance, and good luck. Furthermore, the number seven is also regarded as lucky in many cultures. So, 7 lemons in a bowl can be used to enhance these positive energies in a space. Here are a few ways to use 7 lemons in a bowl in feng shui:

  • Place a bowl of seven lemons in the kitchen to attract abundance and wealth.
  • Place a bowl of seven lemons on a table or counter in the living room to bring a sense of warmth and cheer to the space.
  • Put a bowl of seven lemons in your office or workspace to increase productivity and success.
  • Place a bowl of seven lemons in your home’s entryway to greet positive energy as it enters.
  • Keep a bowl of seven lemons in the bedroom to attract positive energy and enhance relationships.
  • Use a bowl of seven lemons as a centerpiece on a dining table, arranged in a pattern or scattered randomly to bring good luck during meals.
  • It is worth noting that these are symbolic practices and might not have a scientific basis, and it is important to consider your own beliefs and personal preferences.

9 Lemons On A Bed of Rice In Feng Shui

In feng shui, lemons often symbolize wealth, abundance, and good luck. Rice is also considered to be a symbol of wealth and abundance. So, placing 9 lemons on a bed of rice can be used to enhance these positive energies in a space. Here are a few ways to use 9 lemons on a bed of rice in feng shui:

  • Place a bed of rice in a bowl and place 9 lemons on top of it in the kitchen to attract abundance and wealth.
  • Place a bed of rice in a tray and place 9 lemons on top of it in the living room to bring a sense of warmth and cheer to the space.
  • Put a bed of rice in a container and place 9 lemons on top of it in your office or workspace to increase productivity and success.
  • Place a bed of rice on a table or counter and place 9 lemons on top of it in your home’s entryway to greet positive energy as it enters.
  • Keep a bed of rice in a container and place 9 lemons on top of it in your bedroom to attract positive energy and enhance relationships.
  • Use a bed of rice in a bowl and place 9 lemons on top of it as a centerpiece on a dining table, arranged in a pattern or scattered randomly to bring good luck during meals.
  • It is worth noting that these are symbolic practices and might not have a scientific basis, and it is important to consider your own beliefs and personal preferences.

How Many Lemons Do You Put In A Bowl, 7 or 9?

9 lemons in a bowl is an auspicious technique. So one should put nine lemons in a bowl for cleansing and activate good luck.

While 7 lemons in a bowl are for luck for health, one can do any of these two techniques accordingly.

Lemon Spiritual Meaning

Lemon Spiritual Meaning

Lemons have a variety of spiritual meanings and associations in different cultures and belief systems. Some of the most common meanings include:

  • Purity and cleansing: Lemons are often used in spiritual practices to cleanse and purify the energy of a space or person. Its acidic nature is believed to have the ability to neutralize negative energy.
  • Healing: Lemons have long been associated with healing properties. Some spiritual beliefs hold that lemons can be used to help heal physical and emotional wounds.
  • Protection: Lemons have been used as a protective symbol in many cultures. Lemon peel or lemon oil is sometimes used as a protective amulet, or a piece of lemon may be placed in a pocket or purse to protect the owner.
  • Abundance and prosperity: Lemons are often associated with abundance and prosperity. Lemons are thought to attract wealth and good luck and are sometimes used in rituals to increase financial prosperity.
  • Spiritual awakening: Lemons are believed to have a high-frequency vibration and are thought to be able to stimulate spiritual growth and awakening.

These are some spiritual meanings and associations with lemons, but they can vary depending on the culture or belief system. It is worth noting that these are symbolic practices and might not have a scientific basis, and it is important to consider your own beliefs and personal preferences.

ALSO READ: Four Celestial Animals Feng Shui


Can I Use Fake Lemons For Feng Shui?

You can use fake lemons to generate energy, but they will not work as powerfully as real lemons.

How Many Lemons Make A Good Luck Bowl?

9 lemons make a good luck bowl as the number 9 represents wealth, prosperity, abundance, and clearing out negativity from life.

Why Do People Put 9 Lemons In A Bowl?

Nine lemons in a bowl are for activating good luck and abundance in life, including removing negativity from home or one’s life and attaining future and personal goals.


Overall, Using 9 lemons in a bowl is a simple but powerful way to refresh and purify the energy in a space and promote positive energy and abundance. Lemons are multi-purpose symbols associated with purity, health, clarity, wealth, love, and good luck. Therefore, they are often used in rituals and ceremonies to promote positive energy and bring good luck and prosperity.

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