Jade Plant Feng Shui Meaning: How to Use It for Luck?

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The Jade Plant, commonly known as the “Money Plant” or “Lucky Plant,” is thought to attract good luck and wealth. It is often used in feng shui, a Chinese system of design and placement, to enhance financial and career success. For luck, Feng Shui experts recommend using the jade plant in the wealth corner. The southeast corner of your home is called the wealth corner of the house. It is also believed to be beneficial to place a jade plant in the east or north areas of a room or building, which are considered auspicious for education and career success. Keeping the plant healthy and well-cared for is also recommended, as a thriving plant symbolizes growth and abundance.

The Jade Plant, also botanically named “Crassula ovata,” is a popular feng shui plant. It is a succulent plant with thick, glossy leaves shaped like coins, which is why it is often associated with financial success. In addition, it is native to South Africa and is easy to care for, making it a favored choice for indoor gardening. Jade Plant feng shui is believed to bring positive energy and good luck to its surroundings.

Caring for a Jade Plant is relatively easy, as it is a succulent and can survive in various conditions. It must be placed in a well-draining pot where a cactus soil mix is preferred. The plant favors bright but indirect light. Make sure to water it only when the soil is dry. Furthermore, the Jade Plant is also a popular choice for bonsai. The thick trunk and small leaves make it a great candidate for shaping and training into different styles.

Jade Plant Feng Shui Symbolism

According to feng shui principles, good luck, wealth, prosperity, and abundance are the symbolism of the jade plant feng shui. Its thick, glossy leaves shaped like coins make it a favored indoor plant. The Jade Plant is also believed to cleanse the air and balance the surroundings.

According to feng shui, the Jade Plant is associated with the Wood element, representing growth, development, and expansion. The Wood element is also associated with the southeast corner of a space, considered the area of wealth and abundance. Therefore, placing a Jade Plant in the southeast corner promotes positive energy flow and brings good luck and prosperity.

Additionally, the Jade Plant is believed to impact relationships positively and can be placed in the relationship or partnership area of a room or home. It is said to bring harmony, balance, and positive energy to relationships.

Jade Plant Feng Shui Benefits

Jade Plant Feng Shui Benefits

Although the jade plant mainly works as a luck provider, other than this, a jade plant has its own properties that one can utilize for their own benefit in life. Get familiarized with some of the jade plants benefits.

  • Air Purification: Jade plants are known to purify the air by absorbing damaging toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene, making them ideal for indoor spaces.
  • Low Maintenance: Jade plants are easy to care for, making them perfect for busy individuals or those who do not have a green thumb. They require minimal watering and can be placed in bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Good Luck and Prosperity: In Chinese and Eastern cultures, jade plants are believed to attract good luck and fortune. They are often given as gifts for events like weddings.
  • Stress Relief: Jade plants have been found to have a calming effect on individuals, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. They can be placed in areas of the home where stress is often felt, such as the office or bedroom.
  • Long-lasting: Jade plants can live for many years when taken care of.
  • Easy to Propagate: Jade plants can easily propagate by taking stem cuttings and placing them in water or soil. This allows for the plant to be shared with friends and family or for multiple plants to be grown in different areas of the home.
  • Decorative: Jade plants have an attractive, glossy green leaf and a thick, woody stem. Place it as a decorative plant in any room, adding a touch of greenery and elegance.
  • Low Cost: Jade plants are affordable and easy to find, making them a great option for those on a budget. They are often sold at local nurseries, garden centers, and online.
  • Easy to Grow: Jade plants are easy to grow, making them a great option for beginners or those new to gardening. They require minimal care and attention, making them a low-maintenance option.
  • Low Light Tolerance: Jade plants are tolerant of low light. This quality makes them ideal for rooms that only receive a little natural light. Place it in areas of the home, such as bathrooms, basements, and hallways.

How to Care For Jade Plants Feng Shui

Every plant needs proper care and a healthy environment to grow, as with the jade plant. The plant needs proper water, light, temperature, etc., to grow to spread its luck positively, as it’s a luck provider to some.

Here are some points to remember while planting a jade plant.

  • Light: Jade plants favor bright but indirect light. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight since it can cause leaf burn.
  • Watering: Water the plant when it requires water; otherwise, more watering can cause root rot.
  • Temperature: Jade plants prefer temperatures between 15-24 degrees C.
  • Soil: Use well-draining, cactus or succulent soil. Only use soil that holds a little moisture.
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize your jade plant once a month. However, it should be given during the growing season (spring and summer). Only use a water-soluble fertilizer.
  • Pruning: Prune your jade plant as needed to keep it in shape. Cut back any leggy or overgrown branches and remove any yellow or brown leaves.
  • Pests and Diseases: Check out common pests like scale insects, mealybugs, and spider mites. If you notice any pests, spray the plant with water and dish soap. Also, check out for signs of disease, like wilted leaves or discoloration.
  • Repotting: Repot your jade plant every 2-3 years in the spring. Use a pot with drainage holes and soil mixtures of cactus or succulent.
  • Propagation: Jade plants can be easily propagated. You can do it by rooting stem cuttings in water or soil.
  • Humidity: Jade plants prefer low humidity but will tolerate normal room humidity. Avoid placing them in areas of high humidity, such as the bathroom.

 Jade Plant Feng Shui Placement Tips

Feng shui jade plants have a proper placement idea or tips for bringing your life a stroke of luck. You need to place your jade plant feng shui according to your need and desire to claim positive luck.

Given below are some feng shui jade plant placement tips to remember-

  • Place the jade plant in the eastern or southeastern corner of your home or room for wealth and abundance.
  • Keep the plant in a well-lit area, but do not put it in direct sunlight since there is a possibility of the leaves turning yellow.
  • Avoid placing the plant in the bedroom, as it is believed to bring financial stress and bad luck.
  • Keep the plant away from sharp corners and edges to prevent negative energy from being trapped.
  • Keep the plant healthy and well-cared for to promote positive energy flow.
  • Avoid placing the plant in the bathroom, as it’s believed that plants absorb the negative energy of the bathroom.
  • If you want to place the jade plant in your office, it should be in the corner diagonally opposite the main door to attract money and good luck.

 Tips for Propagation of Jade Plants

Being a stroke of good luck to people, it’s a plant that needs to propagate at the correct time so that your jade plant’s good luck could get multiplied and a plant can get a new and fresh life.

Here are some points for the lucky jade plant feng shui-

  • Choose healthy, mature leaves from the jade plant for propagation.
  • Allow the leaves to callus over for one or two days before planting.
  • Plant the leaves in well-draining soil. Make sure it can hold water but is not waterlogged.
  • Place the propagated leaves in a warm, bright, but indirect light.
  • Mist the leaves occasionally to increase humidity; this will help the leaves to root well.
  • Keep an eye on the soil moisture, as the leaves may dry out quickly in dry environments.
  • Be patient. It can take many weeks to a few months for the leaves to root and new growth to appear.
  • Once new growth appears, begin fertilizing the new plant with a balanced fertilizer.
  • When the new plant has grown, it can be repotted in a different pot.

Jade Plant Money Tree Feng Shui

As per the benefits and properties mentioned above, and as we have mentioned at the beginning of this article, the jade plant feng shui is also known as the “money plant” or “money tree.” With the correct placement of this jade plant money tree in your office, home, or at any workplace, you can gain plentiful opportunities and success in your life that is directly related to money; even if it’s not, then you can also gain some unexpected money or financial help from someone when or if needed, yes it also works like that.

What is the Life Span of a Jade Plant?

The lifespan of a jade plant feng shui can vary, and it depends on the growing conditions and the care it receives. Under ideal conditions, a jade plant can live for decades. It can even stay for 100 years.

In the wild, jade plants can live for a very long time, according to some evidence that they can survive for centuries. However, when grown as a houseplant, the lifespan is usually shorter, usually around 20-50 years.

Jade plants are relatively hardy and can survive for long periods with little care, but they require some basic care to thrive. Proper lighting, well-draining soil, and regular watering and fertilizing are all important factors in ensuring the longevity of a jade plant.

It’s worth noting that pruning the jade plant regularly can help to maintain its size and shape, as well as encourage bushier growth, helping to prolong its lifespan.

How Do I Save A Jade Plant From Dying?

How Do I Save A Jade Plant

If your jade plant is showing signs of distress, there are several steps you can take to try and save it:

  • Check the soil moisture: Overwatering or underwatering can cause a jade plant to die. Only water if it feels dry.
  • Adjust the lighting: Jade plants favor bright but indirect sunlight. It may become leggy and weak if it does not get enough light. Move it to a brighter area or provide it with a grow light.
  • Check for pests: Inspect the plant for any signs of pests, such as small white or brown bumps on the leaves or small bugs crawling on the plant. If you see any, treat the plant with an insecticide or a solution of water and dish soap.
  • Repot the plant: If it is root bound, it may struggle to absorb enough moisture and nutrients. Remove it from the current pot and loosen the roots before repotting it in fresh, well-draining soil.
  • Provide Proper Temperature: Jade plants prefer temperatures between 60-75 F. If the room where the jade plant is kept is extremely hot or cold, the leaves may wilt or turn yellow.
  • Provide Proper Humidity: Jade plants prefer between 40% and 60% humidity. The leaves may dry out and fall off when the air gets too dry.

If you have tried all these steps and your jade plant is still struggling, it may be suffering from a disease or a pest infestation that is difficult to treat. Start with a new, healthy plant.

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Does The Jade Plant Give Oxygen at Night?

Yes, the plant allows more satisfying sleep by purifying the air at night.

Which Type of Jade Plant is Lucky?

The Crassula Ovata species, also known as the money plant or jade plant, is considered to be the luckiest jade plant in feng shui.

Does A Jade Plant Bring Good Luck?

Yes, the jade plant brings a stroke of good luck and wealth with the proper feng shui placement.

Is Jade Plant Feng Shui Good For Health?

Yes, as the Jade plants have been known to help purify the air, improving air quality and potentially providing health benefits.

Is It Ideal to Place Jade Plant Feng Shui in the Bathroom?

Placing the jade plant in the bathroom is not ideal, as plants are believed to absorb the bathroom’s negative energy.

Is Jade Plant Feng Shui Poisonous?

Yes, it can be poisonous if not given proper care. Unfortunately, it can be poisonous for both humans and animals.


In summary, in Jade Plant feng shui is considered a powerful symbol of good luck, prosperity, and positive energy. It is often placed in the southeast corner of a room or home, associated with wealth and abundance. It is believed to purify the air, bring a sense of calm and balance to the surroundings, and promote positive energy flow. It is also associated with the Wood element and is believed to impact relationships positively.

You must protect your jade plant from dying to keep activated your positive luck, keep propagating it on time, use the correct amount of water, soil, moisture, perfect humidity, perfect amount of sunlight, and most importantly, check for pests every time you water it or propagate it.

Honestly, the jade plant feng shui is for both beautifying the luck of your home. Its glossy and coin-shaped leaves will enhance your home or workplace, and its appearance at your home or workplace will enhance your life.

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