Feng Shui Lighting – How To Use Feng Shui Lamps

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In feng shui, lighting is used as a cure, such as crystal chandeliers. Feng shui lighting is used to address various energy issues. To get an abundance of yang energy flow in your house or room, feng shui lamps or lights can be the best answer. If you are seeking peace and harmony in your home, you should place the lights appropriately to utilize the feng shui lighting. It will illuminate the troubled areas in your home and allow chi flow in these areas for a better atmosphere.

In this article, you will learn about the appropriate placement of the lighting. You will undoubtedly feel that illuminating with the feng shui lighting is not as difficult as it seems.

Top 7 Lighting Feng Shui Lamp In Bedroom Tips

Top 7 Lighting Feng Shui Lamp In Bedroom Tips

Proper lighting in your bedroom can give your household well-being, money, and good fortune. Therefore, the necessity of feng shui lighting in the bedroom cannot be expressed. Besides, lights used in the home balance both yin and yang energy. When endowed with darkness, rooms have too much yin energy, and lights help to balance this energy with its yang energy. 

However, you always do not have enough lighting in your space, such as you might not have a window that can help the skylight to provide light. In these areas, you can choose to remedy this by appropriately placing lighting systems. In this section, we will provide you with some lighting tips for your bedroom to illuminate every corner of your room and balance the yin and yang energies:

1. Select Warming Feng Shui Lightings

  • Balancing the hue of lights can give you feng shui-approved lighting in your areas. So, choose warm light that balances appropriately with the natural light. It can provide you with a balance of yang energy in your room.
  • Warm lighting hues provide good energy flow. So, choose warm hues like orange, red, and yellow. The cooler colors are green, blue, purple, and cyan. 
  • Warm color in combination with dim lighting can enhance your bedroom’s pleasantness.

2. Lighting Patterns

  • Bear in mind that the lighting pattern must complement the layout of your room. Choose an appropriate pattern to fix your lighting issue.
  • The plain and earthly layout is the traditional lighting pattern layout that will help you relax in your home. 
  • You can add captivating crystals to your home to offer a touch of class.

3. Color Of Lamp Lights

You will find various shades that do not make you comfortable or that are not relaxing. One such color is red. Therefore, avoid lamps that are red in the shade. 

  • Red: Do not use red color lighting in your bedroom. It can make you uncomfortable.
  • Yellow: The yellow color is a color of prosperity. It is a color representing one of the five elements, the earth. The yellow symbolizes riches. So, you might find many people utilizing yellow color lighting in their bedrooms.

4. Avoid Over-Brightness

Even if your bedroom is too dark, be careful not to use too much lighting to make the room too bright. Instead, try to balance the energies and make sure you do make it too harsh. 

5. Avoid Low-Suspended Light

According to feng shui, symbols are powerful and are true for feng shui lighting. So, never use a low-suspended light fixture hanging from the ceiling. It is considered inauspicious for the members dwelling in the home.

6. Use Dim Lighting For Bedrooms

A bedroom is a place reserved to rest. It is the place where the proper arrangement of light is crucial. Avoid lights that are bright and choose soft color lights for lamps on the bedside. In addition, a light placed over the head is inauspicious. It can severely impact your eyesight and your liver. 

7. Avoid Shadows Caused By Lighting

According to feng shui lighting principles, lights that flash shadows over the walls are inauspicious. It is because lights should provide yang energy, not yin energy. Therefore, lights must illuminate your room and not darkness. 

However, remember not to place three lights in a row in your bedroom. It symbolizes a negative connotation since it means igniting three incenses. Even a single light is a right pick for your bedroom than lighting with three lights in the same row.

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Feng Shui Lighting Dining Room Tips

Creating a balance of yin and yang energies in the dining room is essential to bringing lively energy to the dining area. Following are some tips to make a feng shui-approved dining lighting:

  • Add warm colors like orange or yellow to create inviting living spaces.
  • Utilize more than one light in your space. For example, it is better to use two soft lights instead of one bright light in the dining area for a positive energy flow.
  • You can eliminate sharp edges in the dining area with corner uplights, accent lighting, or torchieres. It will help you improve balanced energy flow as well as a restful environment.
  • If you have sloped ceilings, you can light the ceilings to encourage an upward flow of energy. When the ceiling is illuminated with proper lighting, the room appears larger.
  • Add a mirror to direct the room’s energy if you have a restrictive dining room. It will also help to look the room appear larger. Mirrors and the proper lighting will speed up the energy flow and create a dynamic and enhancing atmosphere. Mirrors are generally placed in dark spaces, where reflecting a light source is essential. 
  • If you have an irregular-shaped dining room, place a lamp in the dark area to maintain proper energy levels.
  • You can also add a crystal chandelier above the tabletop to balance the yin and yang energy. 

Feng Shui Lighting Living Room Tips

Listed are the tips for feng shui lighting in the living room:

Intensity Of Light

In a living room, having too much lighting or poor lighting can disrupt the flow of energy. The light intensity must be equal in each part of the area to invite positive energy. When you identify where to place the lights, you can have proper lighting throughout the room. Look for the following areas while lighting your space:

  • Spaces with poor or much brightness
  • Spaces with shadows
  • The lights that shed on various spaces
  • Dark areas are caused by poor lighting in some spaces.

Make sure to light these areas evenly by adding lamps or other soft lights in these areas. These will prevent dark energy flow into the room. Besides, specifying these spots will help you uncover a suitable feng shui lighting solution.

Selection Of The Right Bulb

The right selection of the bulb eliminates the issue of glare and shadows. In addition, lights are added to a room to illuminate the entire room, making your eyes rest easily. Listed are the types of bulbs you can use for proper feng shui lighting:

  • Full-spectrum: Full-spectrum lights were used to treat patients with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). These types of light stimulates the natural lights to help stimulate circadian rhythm and hormones of the body. In addition, they also reduce shadow and glare.  
  • Halogen: Halogen lights offer equal distribution in the living room. These lights are ideally used in table or floor lamps.
  • LEDs: These lights are more efficient and cooler. They can ideally be used as recessed or spotlights. 

Remember that the wrong selection of bulbs can disrupt the space’s harmony. Therefore, choose bright light bulbs for large spaces while using soft lights to lit the smaller spaces.

Light In The Living Room

Yellow light creates a relaxing and cozy space. For the living and the kitchen, use yellow color bulbs. Yellow light is excellent for gatherings or good times. In addition, you can also include orange light in your living room to revitalize your space and provide relaxation in your family rooms.

Additional Lighting Tips

  • The living room should be translucent and airy. There must be plenty of openings to help the sunlight in the room. In addition, it ensures you have yang energy in the room to provide wellness and vigor. 
  • If your living room has no openings, you can use the tiered lighting method. 
  • Add mirrors in the living room area to bounce light, providing additional space.
  • The natural lighting system in the living room creates an inspiring atmosphere. So, you can add fluorescent lights that feel like natural light.

Feng Shui Chandelier Placement Tips

Feng Shui Chandelier Placement Tips

A chandelier is an elegant and beautiful decorative item that can enhance the interior design of your house. The chandelier is used for different purposes, such as adding lighting or beautifying the room. However, before purchasing it, know where to place the chandelier in a feng shui-approved way. Then, you can consider the listed tips for proper chandelier placement: 

Choose Crystal Chandelier

The crystal chandelier has fire and earth elements besides having a stunning look. The crystal earth element and light fire element complement each other and boost and enhance energy in space. It also symbolizes prosperity and wealth. Hang the chandelier in the hallway or near the entryway of your home. Hanging a chandelier in the dining area will also create a relaxing atmosphere. 

Chandelier In The Bedroom

The bedroom is a place to rest. Hanging a chandelier above your head will make you feel uneasy. You might have to worry about it dropping down. Even if you wish to hang it in the bedroom, you can install it near a corner where you perform fewer activities. 

Additional Tips For Chandelier Placement

  • Avoid installing a chandelier on a low ceiling because it may create a sense of oppression.
  • Avoid installing an oversized chandelier in a small room. Make sure to balance the room and the chandelier. 
  • Make sure to clean it occasionally to reduce stagnant energy.  

How To Use Feng Shui Desk Lamps?

Desk lamps with a feng shui-approved theme provide light and focus. 

  • Feng shui principles ask users to use crystal lamps. It is because they provide powerful positive energy. They provide two types of light, one from the lighting source and the other that it refracts. 
  • You can use a desk lamp for functional or decorative purposes. The functional lamps should be placed to illuminate your work surface. Decorative lamps can be used to help flow positive energy. 
  • Place the feng shui desk lamp on the upper left of your desk. 

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Using Salt Crystal Lamps Feng Shui Tips

Crystal Lamps draw negative energy and help balance the yin and yang energy in the space where it is placed. Therefore, feng shui professionals consider it an atmospheric cleanser of the chi energy. 

  • The crystal lamp is believed to purify the negative energies that are released from a candle or lamp when it is turned on. 
  • The best place to place the lamp is in your living room.
  • You can also use the salt lamps where you spend most of your time. 
  • To clean the air of your house, place the salt lamps in conjunction with live plants. 


Where Should I Keep My Lamp At Home?

Lamps can be lighted in your home to filter the air. In addition, it can reduce toxins and allergies by burning them. So, make sure to use lamps in the living and bedroom.

Can You Have 4 Lamps In Your Bedroom?

You can have four lamps in your bedroom if you need to produce adequate lighting.

Are Ceiling Lights Bad Feng Shui?

Low-suspended ceiling lights are believed to bring bad luck to the individual dwelling in the room or house.

Which Direction Is Best To Light Lamp?

Feng Shui experts advise placing the lamps in the east or south corner or facing the north direction.


You can arrange your home as per the feng shui lighting system. You would never want to have a home where negative energy freely flows throughout your home. A home with dark energy may damage your home’s harmony. You can introduce the tips from the article to eliminate negative energy in your home. In addition, lamps, chandeliers, and lights will help provide extra lights to certain parts of your house where it is required the most.

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