How To Read Feng Shui Compass Accurately

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When this topic is in sight, you might be curious to know how to read a Feng Shui compass is, right? You must be wondering what a Feng Shui compass is?

A feng shui compass is a device that the feng shui practitioners use to determine home’s facing and seating orientations using the compass to determine the magnetic directions.

An instrument for figuring out your home’s Bagua is the ancient Chinese Feng Shui compass known as the Luo Pan. What is Bagua, exactly? Let’s figure it out together. Chinese characters for eight and territory, “Ba” and “Gua,” were combined to form one word. Bagua symbolizes the eight main rooms in your house. Each area has distinctive characteristics that specific colors, things, or forms can bring about.

Luo pan is the tool through which feng shui practitioners identify the Bagua of your house; in other words, Luo pan is the feng shui compass that is used to know the exact and best directions in your house that will result in your positive outcomes.

This feng shui compass Luo pan is generally a square or circle of wooden material painted in red or yellow. The compass consists of several Chinese symbols with different information, which helps the practitioners or experts know the meaning of the directions in your house and how you can activate its energy for better results.

The feng shui compass needle points south with 0 degrees North, 90 degrees East, 180 degrees South, and 270 degrees West.

How To Use A Feng Shui Compass

How To Use A Feng Shui Compass

Using a feng shui compass is not that hard; follow the given steps below to create accurate results with the directions at your home.

Firstly, stand in front of your house (outside of your house) facing towards your house.

  • Hold your feng shui compass pointing toward the entrance of the house.
  • Note the direction and degrees you see in the compass.
  • Locate the magnetic direction and the degrees by moving a few steps back or forward.
  • Review the three readings’ average degrees while looking out the front door.

What Are The Common Types Of Feng Shui Compass?

To create a detailed Bagua map of your home, you can use any of these feng shui compasses. The feng shui practitioners know the better use of it.

Types of best compass for feng shui are given below:

  • Basic Luo Pan: The components of a Chinese compass are a magnetic compass in the middle, encircled by a set of concentric rings and divisions, and mounted on a metal plate. A wooden base is often used to support the plate. The metal plate regarded as the heaven dial will feature three to forty more rings, depending on the lo pan version. Each ring has a certain meaning and orienting function. Despite having different kinds of compass needles, each has a few basic ones.
  • Red wooden base: Because the earth plate and the wooden base of a Luo pan are square, it is easy to position them against structures and buildings. The earth plate is typically red to serve as a powerful barrier that keeps harmful energy away from the Luo pan. In feng shui, the color red also denotes divine energy and the element of fire.
  • Magnetic center: The heaven pool or pond, also known as the center magnetic compass, symbolizes the universe’s nucleus. In all facets of the universe, rest and action engage, where chi begins, and yin and yang flow into one another as they ebb and swell.

Common Types Of Luo Pan

  • San Yuan Luo Pan: It is also known as Yi Pan or Jiang Pan, contains the ring of the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching and has one 24-direction ring.
  • Flying stars
  • Time
  • Space
  • San He Luo pan: In feng shui, practitioners use the three combinations or harmonies system. It contains three distinct rings of 24 mountains.
  • Outer
  • Middle
  • Inner
  • San He Luo pan with combination system: It is based on some of the feng shui combination systems such as –Eight Mansions are also called the East/West System
  • Mountain Dragons
  • Water Dragons
  • Environmental
  • Zong He Luo Pan: Practitioners choose this Luo Pan as it follows the principles of a three-cycle and three-combination systems. It has the ring of the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching and the three special 24-direction rings.
  • The Electronic feng shui compass
  • The feng shui electronic compass was first introduced in 2008 and was practiced by experts and masters of feng shui. It is being said that this electronic feng shui compass was more than accurate without any human error occurring while reading a compass.

How To Read Feng Shui Compass

How To Read Feng Shui Compass

Here are the basic steps for reading a Feng Shui compass:

  • Align with True South: Align the compass with true South by rotating the dial until the magnetic needle is pointing to the north marker.
  • Identify the Cardinal Directions: The four cardinal directions—north, south, east, and west, are drawn on the compass dial.
  • Determine Your Auspicious Directions: Use your birth data, such as your Chinese Zodiac sign and the hour, day, and year of your birth, to determine your auspicious directions.
  • Read the Numbers: The numbers on the dial represent the Lo Shu numbers and the Bagua energy map. These numbers can provide information about the energy patterns in your environment and the auspicious areas for different aspects of your life, such as wealth, health, and relationships.
  • Interpret the Symbols: The symbols on the compass can provide additional information about the energy patterns in your environment and the auspicious areas for different aspects of your life.

Key Feng Shui Tips For Compass

  • A house cannot be built next to a bridge, along a ridge, or cliff. South-facing Feng Shui compass directions are the luckiest because they promote chi absorption and harmony in residence.
  • The direction of the home quadrant must be taken into account when working with either plants or water. For instance, the water element, crucial to your success in business, is connected to the north direction. Therefore, you can put a fountain on that side of the house to enjoy it enough.
  • Plant hydrangeas or lilacs to balance your backyard garden’s yin and yang concepts.
  • Please be aware that these recommendations and the application of the Feng Shui compass are now commonplace. To guarantee that the Feng Shui compass directions are accurately identified and that you concentrate on enhancing the flow of chi and abundance in your home, you must consult a certified Feng Shui master or specialist.

Alternatively, you can also go for tips like

Determine the right compass: Choose a Feng Shui compass that aligns with your personal beliefs and practices. For example, a traditional Luo Pan is best if you follow the classical tradition.

Locate the true south: Using a Feng Shui compass, it is important to determine the true south accurately. This will ensure that the readings you receive are accurate and relevant to your location.

Use the Compass Regularly: Regular use of a Feng Shui compass will help you become familiar with its features and symbols, making it easier to use and understand.

Interpret the Reading: Knowing how to interpret the readings you receive from your Feng Shui compass is crucial to making accurate and effective environmental changes. Familiarize yourself with the symbols and numbers on your compass and learn what each one represents.

Combine with other tools: Feng Shui compasses are just one tool in the practitioner’s toolkit. To understand a space’s energy patterns, it is important to use a compass in conjunction with other tools, such as floor plans, Ba-Zi charts, and Flying Star charts. You can create a harmonious and balanced environment that supports health, prosperity, and happiness by combining various tools and techniques.

How To Activate Luck Using Your Compass Readings

Here are some tips on how to activate luck using Feng Shui compass readings:

  • Identify your auspicious directions – Use a Feng Shui compass to determine your lucky personal directions based on your birth data. Position yourself or objects, such as your bed, desk, or entrance, in these directions.
  • Enhance the auspicious energies – Once you have identified your lucky directions, enhance the energies in those areas by adding plants, symbols, and colors associated with prosperity and good luck.
  • Avoid negative energies – Use the Feng Shui compass to identify areas with negative energies, such as the annual flying star combinations that can bring harm or obstacles. You can neutralize these negative energies by avoiding or remedying the affected areas.
  • Enhance wealth energies – Enhance wealth energies by placing objects such as coins, crystals, or water features in the auspicious wealth areas of your home or office, as identified by the Feng Shui compass.
  • Create a harmonious balance – Balance the energies in your environment by creating harmony between the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Use the Feng Shui compass to identify which elements are missing or dominant in different areas and make adjustments accordingly.
  • Regularly check and adjust – Regularly check your environment using the Feng Shui compass and make adjustments as necessary to maintain a harmonious balance of luck and prosperity.

Although feng shui practitioners also use compass readings to offer themselves precise degrees and, thus, ideal directions, it is also utilized to determine a specific person’s precise sleeping and working orientation. In addition, feng shui practitioners can determine the property’s prevailing chi based on the compass readings. As a result, they can strengthen the positive effects of Qi and counteract its negative effects.

Remember, activating luck through Feng Shui is just one aspect of improving your overall well-being. In addition, it is important to cultivate positive energy through personal growth, healthy relationships, and meaningful work.

Feng Shui Compass Directions Degrees

A feng shui compass practice is an encouraging way to create a bagua of your house; it will create the perfect direction for your spaces, types of equipment, decor, and even room arrangements for better and more positive results.

One can use any compass for directions, like western compasses. It usually points North but a feng shui compass points south 0 degrees North, 90 degrees East, 180 degrees South, and 270 degrees West.

The eight basic directions in traditional Feng Shui are broken down into three sub-directions. There are currently 24 feng shui directions, sometimes referred to as the “24 Mountains of Classical Feng Shui.” The range of a compass is 0 to 360 degrees. As a result, each trigram represents 45 of the compass’s degrees. Each trigram, or basic direction, is divided into three equal segments of 15 degrees each. The accuracy and dependability of classical Feng Shui are due to the precision and attention to detail involved. On the one hand, it inhibits intuitive discoveries, while on the other; it is dependent on computation, observation, and experimentation.

You can find your actual facing and seating directions using the 24 Feng Shui directions and their related degrees. A compass is all you need. A compass can be purchased or downloaded onto your smartphone through the app store. Numerous apps are available, and their readings are generally reliable.

What All Precautions To Have While Reading Feng Shui Compass?

Following are the precautions to follow while reading a Feng Shui compass:

  • Accuracy: Ensure that your Feng Shui compass is properly calibrated and aligned with true north. Incorrect readings can lead to ineffective remedies or even harm.
  • Personal Interpretation: Interpret readings based on your own personal beliefs and practices. Different schools of Feng Shui have different interpretations of the symbols and numbers on the compass, so it is important to understand what each means to you.
  • Combination of Tools: Use the Feng Shui compass and other tools and techniques, such as floor plans and Ba-Zi charts, to understand a space’s energy patterns.
  • Avoid overreliance: While a Feng Shui compass can be valuable, it is important not to rely solely on it. Use it with other practices, such as meditation, visualization, and positive affirmations, to achieve a harmonious and balanced environment.
  • Consult an Expert: If you are new to Feng Shui or unsure how to use a compass properly, consider consulting with an experienced practitioner. They can help you and make sure that you are using the compass correctly and effectively.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Feng Shui is a culturally sensitive practice, and it is important to respect local beliefs and customs when using a compass in different parts of the world.
  • Respect for the Environment: Feng Shui is about creating a harmonious balance with the environment, so it is important to use a compass with respect and avoid making changes that could harm the natural world.


How Do You Use A Bagua Compass?

Put your home’s workspace where your compass points north. Your reputation will be in the south, your forefathers and health in the east, etc.

How Do I Know My Feng Shui Direction?

The compass must be in the south direction initially for accurate results, as the needle of this feng shui compass typically points towards the south.

How To Use A Compass For House Direction?

Select your desired location; find its right direction with the North Pole between 0 and 360 degrees.

ALSO READ: How To Read Feng Shui Compass Accurately


Using a feng shui compass regarding Bagua of your house, which means the exact directions and space and even for placing things around, is the best option. Your best and most accurate direction can prosper your life with happiness and abundance entering your life.

The compass will show the different directions for your health, career, wealth, prosperity, abundance, ancestors, and so on. It will guide you completely so that you can attain the best in your life. Feng shui experts can also propose an alternative, advantageous paths for a certain person using compass readings. Consequently, if someone cannot access their four favorable directions, they can use the other directions and benefit from positive chi.

Note that the interpretation of a Feng Shui compass can vary since it greatly depends on the practitioner’s beliefs and practices. Consider consulting with an experienced practitioner if you are new to Feng Shui or need clarification on how to properly use a compass.

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