Best Feng Shui Christmas Tree Placement (Invite Wealth)

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Feng shui is the Chinese practice of positioning things in areas to encourage peace and balance. When placing a feng shui Christmas tree, there are a few Feng Shui principles to keep in mind, known as feng shui Christmas tree principles, to invite wealth into your home. This article will go through the meaning of the Christmas Tree meaning and its placement tips.

What Does A Feng Shui Christmas Tree Mean?

In Feng Shui, a feng shui Christmas tree symbolizes growth and abundance. The tree represents life’s energy and brings positive and good luck. The tree’s decorations, lights, and ornaments are also believed to have specific meanings and symbolism.

For example, red symbolizes good luck and prosperity, so red decorations on the tree attract good luck and wealth. Similarly, golden decorations attract wealth and abundance. In addition, clear ornaments bring clarity and focus, while sparkly ornaments are considered to attract good luck and positive energy.

Lights are also important in Feng Shui as they symbolize illumination and clarity. Therefore, it is recommended to use warm and soft lights to create a cosy and inviting atmosphere.

In general, a feng shui Christmas tree is meant to bring positive energy and good luck to the home and is thought to represent growth and abundance. By following the principles of feng shui when decorating and placing the tree, you can create a harmonious and balanced display that will bring positive energy to your home.

Feng Shui Christmas Tree Placement Tip

Feng Shui Christmas Tree Placement Tip

Following are the feng shui Christmas tree placement tips you can follow:

  • Placement: When you enter, the best placement for a Christmas tree is in your home’s wealth and prosperity area, the back left corner of the room. This will help attract good luck and prosperity for the coming year.
  • Avoid blocking the entrance: The Christmas tree should not be placed in front of the entrance, as this can block positive energy flow into the home. Instead, place it in a corner or against a wall, so it doesn’t obstruct the energy flow.
  • Balance: The tree should be in balance with the room. If the tree is miniature in size, it will make the space feel empty and unbalanced. If the tree is considerably big, it will make the room look cluttered. Choose a tree that is proportionate to the size of the room.
  • Decorations: Choose decorations that are harmonious with the room’s overall design. Avoid using decorations that clash with the room’s colour scheme or decor. Use colors that match the room’s color scheme.
  • Lights: Use soft, warm lights to create an inviting atmosphere. Avoid harsh, bright lights, which can create a tense and uncomfortable feeling.
  • Water: If you’re using a real tree, it should be placed near a source of water to nourish the tree; this also represents wealth and abundance.
  • Avoid negative areas: Avoid placing the feng shui Christmas tree in areas of the room that are associated with negative energy, such as the toilet or the kitchen.
  • Symmetry: Keep the tree symmetrical and balanced. This will help create a sense of balance and harmony in the room.
  • Decorations Meaningful: Use decorations that hold personal and sentimental value. It will make the tree more meaningful.

By following these Feng Shui principles, you can create a harmonious and balanced Christmas tree display that will bring positive energy and good luck to your home and make your tree more meaningful and special.

Best Feng Shui Christmas Tree Decorations and Ornaments

Some feng shui decorations and ornaments are considered to have specific meanings and symbolism. Here are a few examples of decorations and ornaments that are considered auspicious for a feng shui Christmas tree:

  • Red decorations: Red brings good luck and prosperity, so red decorations on the tree are thought to attract good luck and wealth.
  • Golden decorations: Golden decorations attract wealth and abundance.
  • Clear ornaments: Clear ornaments bring clarity and focus.
  • Sparkly ornaments: Sparkly ornaments are thought to attract good luck and positive energy.
  • Bells: Bells bring good luck and positive energy to the home.
  • Pinecones: Pinecones symbolize abundance and fertility.
  • Candles: Candles are believed to bring warmth and light to the home and represent a bright future.
  • Personal ornaments: Use decorations that hold personal and sentimental value. It will make the tree more meaningful.
  • Natural materials: Using natural materials, such as wood, crystals, and ornaments made of glass, will bring natural energy to the tree and the room.

It’s important to remember that the most important aspect of Feng Shui is creating balance and harmony in your home. So, while certain decorations and ornaments may be considered auspicious, it’s important to choose decorations that you like and that complement the overall design of your home.

Where Should I Avoid Putting My Christmas Tree in Feng Shui?

In Feng Shui, there are certain areas of the home where it’s best to avoid placing a feng shui Christmas tree. Here are a few examples:

  • Bathrooms: The bathroom is associated with waste and negative energy, so avoiding placing a Christmas tree in this home area is best.
  • Kitchens: The kitchen is associated with fire and can be a high-energy area. It’s best to avoid placing a Christmas tree in this area of the home.
  • Hallway:  Placing a Christmas tree in a hallway can block positive energy flow throughout the home.
  • Bedroom: A bedroom is a place of relaxation, so it’s best to avoid placing a Christmas tree in this area of the home.
  • Entrance: The entrance of the home is associated with the flow of energy, so it’s best to avoid placing a Christmas tree in front of the entrance, as it can block the flow of positive energy into the home.

It’s important to keep in mind that the aspect of Feng Shui is creating balance and harmony in your home. So, while certain areas may be considered inauspicious for a Christmas tree, choose a location that works for you and your family and doesn’t disrupt the overall flow of energy in your home.

Best Feng Shui Christmas Trees Color Choices Based on Five Elements

Christmas Trees Color Choices

The five elements, water, metal, earth, fire, and wood, are believed to have specific meanings and symbolism in Feng Shui. When choosing the color scheme for your feng shui Christmas tree, it’s important to consider the balance of the five elements in your home. Here are a few examples of color choices for a Christmas tree based on the five elements:

  • Wood: Green is the color generally linked with the Wood element. A green Christmas tree can be a great choice to promote growth and abundance in your home.
  • Fire: Red is the color associated with the Fire element. A red Christmas tree can be a great choice to promote good luck and prosperity in your home.
  • Earth: Yellow and Beige are the colors associated with the Earth element. A yellow or beige Christmas tree can be a great choice to promote stability and balance in your home.
  • Metal: White and Silver are the colors associated with the Metal element. A white or silver Christmas tree can be a great choice if you want to promote clarity and focus in your home.
  • Water: Black and Blue are the colors associated with the Water element. A black or blue Christmas tree can be a great choice if you want to promote flow and flexibility in your home.

It’s important to keep in mind that the most important aspect of Feng Shui is creating balance and harmony in your home. So, while certain color choices may be associated with specific elements, it’s important to choose a color scheme that works for you and complements the overall design of your home.

Feng Shui Christmas Tree Placement as Per Flying Stars

In Feng Shui, the placement of objects and spaces is based on the theory of the “flying stars”. It refers to the movement and influence of nine stars in the home. When it comes to placing a feng shui Christmas tree, it’s important to consider the location of the stars in your home. Here are a few examples of how to place a Christmas tree based on the flying stars:

  • Eastern Area: This area is good for health and family.
  • South-East Area: Beneficial if you want to achieve abundance.
  • Southern South Area: It is worthwhile to attain fame and reputation.

 Is The Christmas Tree Lucky?

In many cultures, the feng shui Christmas tree symbolizes good luck and prosperity. This is because the tree represents life’s energy and is thought to bring positive energy and good luck. The tree’s decorations, lights, and ornaments are also believed to have specific meanings and symbolism. For example, the color red is believed to bring good luck and prosperity, so red decorations on the tree are thought to attract good luck and wealth. Similarly, golden decorations are thought to attract wealth and abundance.

In addition, the Christmas tree is also considered a symbol of hope and new beginnings, as it is often decorated and put up during the winter solstice, which marks the start of the New Year. It is also considered a symbol of unity and family, as it is a tradition to decorate the tree together.

Ultimately, whether a Christmas tree is lucky depends on the person’s perspective and beliefs. For many people, the Christmas tree is a cherished part of their holiday traditions and brings joy, warmth, and positive energy to their homes.

Where Should I Put My Christmas Tree In My Living Room?

The living room is considered the “heart of the home,” and the thought of putting a feng shui Christmas tree in that area is overwhelming. However, placing a Christmas tree in the corner of the living room can be the best choice as it will be placed away from the entrance, which means no blockages to walk through, and it will also create a cheerful ambiance for everyone.

Can You Put A Christmas Tree In The Bedroom?

One can place their Christmas tree in a bedroom if one wants quality sleep. It will boost your happy hormones and also make you relax. Being in your bedroom can make your surroundings calm and peaceful and even increase positivity and prosperity in one’s life.

Should I Put My Christmas Tree In Front Of A Window?

Placing a feng shui Christmas tree in front of a window can be ideal, but only when the window is wide and does not block the natural lights from outside your home or workplace. It should be pleasing to the surrounding area and make us feel happy. It must be justifiable for the environment.

Is A Christmas Tree Good For Your Home?

Positivity is a key to relaxation, and the Christmas tree is its symbol. Placing a Christmas tree brings the positivity of not giving up on tough situations and standing still to fight against them. It’s a good idea to put up a Christmas tree at home or elsewhere to bring this uplifting energy into one’s surroundings or environment.

Where Should A Christmas Tree Be Placed After Use?

After using a feng shui Christmas tree, it’s important to consider where to place it for the rest of the year. Following are a few tips to help you decide the space where to place the tree:

  • Recycling: Many communities offer Christmas tree recycling programs where the tree will be chipped into mulch, used as fish habitats, or used to prevent soil erosion.
  • Composting: If you have a compost pile, you can add your Christmas tree to it after the holiday season. It will decompose over time, providing valuable organic matter to your soil.
  • Replanting: If you have a live tree, you can replant it in your yard or garden after the holiday season. Ensure to keep it well-watered and provide proper care to help it thrive.
  • Keep it safe: If you plan to use the tree again next year, you can store it in a safe place. Make sure it’s protected from rain, snow, and sun to prevent damage.
  • Donate it: If you no longer want to keep the Christmas tree, you can donate it to a church, school, or community center. They may use it in their holiday decorations or repurpose it in other ways.

It’s important to consider the environmental impact of your Christmas tree disposal and choose a sustainable and eco-friendly method.

ALSO READ: How To Use Quan Yin Statue For Good Feng Shui

What To Do If The Christmas Tree Is Damaged?

If your Christmas tree has been damaged, there are a few steps you can take to address the issue:

  • Check for pests: If your Christmas tree has been damaged, pests such as spiders or insects may have made their way into your home. Check the tree and the surrounding area for any signs of pests and take steps to address the issue if necessary.
  • Dispose of the tree properly: If it is damaged and you no longer want to keep it, make sure to dispose of it properly. Many communities offer Christmas tree recycling programs where the tree will be chipped into mulch, used as fish habitats, or used to prevent soil erosion.
  • Cut off damaged branches: If the damage is limited to a few branches, you can remove the damaged branches to salvage the rest of the tree.
  • Replace the tree: If it is severely damaged or you no longer want to keep it, you may consider replacing it.
  • Keep it in a safe place: If you plan to use the tree again next year, but it’s damaged, you can store it in a safe place. Make sure it’s protected from rain, snow, and sun to prevent further damage.

It’s important to keep in mind that the most important aspect of the Christmas tree is the joy, warmth, and positive energy it brings to the home. Therefore, if the tree is damaged and can’t be repaired or salvaged, it’s best to replace it for the safety and well-being of your home and family.

How Long Will A Christmas Tree Last?

The lifespan of a feng shui Christmas tree depends on various factors. For instance, the species of the tree, how it was grown and cared for, and the conditions in which it is kept.

  • Fresh-cut Christmas tree: If you have a fresh-cut Christmas tree, it will typically last between 4-6 weeks if properly cared for. To maximize the lifespan of your fresh-cut tree, keep it well-watered, away from heat sources, and ensure the tree stand holds enough water.
  • Artificial Christmas tree: Artificial Christmas trees are made of various materials and can last many years with proper care. They are reusable. So you can use it for many years, depending on its quality.
  • Live Christmas tree: If you have a live Christmas tree, you can replant it in your yard or garden after the holiday season. Live trees can last for many years with proper care and can become a valuable addition to your landscape.

It’s important to remember that Christmas tree lifespan can be affected by environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and lighting, so it’s important to take care of it properly to prolong its lifespan.


The Feng shui Christmas tree is an abundance and happy luck-making practice for people who believe in its powers. One can select the best Christmas tree placement in their home or even at home to increase wealth, fame, prosperity, and positivity, especially placing one in your bedroom and your living area. Placing a Christmas tree in your living area can be more happening as compared to other sides of your place.

Feng shui practices have been upgraded with time for everything, and one must use them to raise positivity and abundance in life. In return, it will only provide a peaceful environment around you.

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